Looking for ways to keep your pooch safe, happy, and well-exercised outdoors? Dog-friendly landscape services gives your pet all the amenities they need and love. And what’s generally good for a dog is also great for people as well!

Pet Friendly Landscape Services

dog running on beautiful grassLet’s face it, dogs love to dig, roll around in mud, and dart through flower beds. Instead of trying to discipline your pet for what are perfectly natural behaviors, you can easily create a beautiful and functional backyard those with both two and four legs will love. Other common problems dog owners face are:

  • Worn paths near fence lines from pacing.
  • Plants dug up and thrown around the yard.
  • Brown spots from frequent urination.
  • Inability to grow grass in high traffic areas.
  • Flea infestations from certain ground covers.

Begin the design process with your landscape services company by considering your dog’s unique traits. Does she or he love to dig deep holes? Do they love chewing on anything that can be satisfyingly shredded? Or do you have a more mature pup who loves to lounge in the sun? The goal is to find a backyard solution that works equally well for you and your dog.

Safety Features to Consider

Dogs don’t know which plants or products are safe to nibble or chew on, so it’s up to you to protect them from engaging in unsafe behaviors. Landscape safety tips to keep in mind include:

  • Avoid landscaping toxins. Watch out for toxins in plants, some of which are commonly used in landscaping. The ASPCA provides this handy list of which ones can be dangerous to your pet. Chemicals you use on natural grass, plants, and trees such as fertilizer and weed killer should also be safe for animals.
  • Keep the water flowing. Provide a consistent fresh water source so your dog is never stuck without a source of hydration. Water bowls do tip over!
  • Choose comfortable materials. Use safe materials like flat rocks, pavers, and bricks for paths and hardscape features. Small pebbles may get lodged in a dog’s paws and some pups may be tempted to eat them.
  • No barriers fitness. Build a dog run so your pet can exercise freely without running into anything. And a designated path lets your dog do their perceived job of patrolling your property and keeping out intruders without wearing a path in the landscape.
  • Readily available shade and shelter. Give your pet a place to get out of the sun. Some dogs like dog houses, others prefer to stay out in the breeze. For them a pergola or overhead shade is ideal.
  • Comfy mulch. Use a mulch that’s safe for pets. Most are, but some vets have misgivings about cocoa bean mulch. It might be best to play it safe.
  • Border control. Provide a border around areas such as flower beds that you don’t want your dog to have access to. Driftwood, rocks, and unstained railroad ties are popular options.

Finally, be sure to choose plants that are not only safe but sensible. Your landscape services company can help you pick ones that can stand up to rough-housing and hours of play. They should be sturdy but free of thorns, burrs, or bristles that could get caught in your dog’s paws, mouth, or fur. Thorny and spiny plants may also cause serious eye injuries.

4 Good Reasons to Install Artificial Grass for Pets

Artificial grass offers plenty of benefits to humans. You don’t need a lawn mower, leaf blower, fertilizers, or other tools and chemicals to keep it looking great. But it’s also a great choice for pets. Besides no more unsightly holes or muddy paws leaving their trace throughout the house, here are four solid reasons for switching your natural lawn to one made with pet-friendly artificial grass.

  1. It’s the perfect year-round play area. Artificial grass looks exactly like the real thing. When it comes to pets, it’s a much better option because it’s fuss-free and easy to maintain. It’s practically impossible to ruin by digging, it doesn’t fade, and stays a beautiful green all year long.
  2. Non-toxicity. Both the weeds and the chemicals you use to destroy them can be harmful to pets. Some plants cause vomiting, nausea, and excessive drooling. Artificial grass turns your backyard landscape into a doggie safe space.
  3. Easy maintenance. There’s no need to worry about discoloration from urine stains. Artificial grass is fully permeable so fluids just drain through to the ground. Feces are easier to pick up from the synthetic surface. All that’s needed to keep your artificial grass looking clean is a quick rinse with a soapy solution.
  4. Eliminate yard pests. Natural grass is a perfect home for disease-carrying fleas and ticks that can bite your dog. Insects don’t like living in artificial grass so your pet is free to roll around the entire yard without the risk of getting bitten!

Backyard Enjoyment for You and Your Pet

There’s nothing like enjoying a beautiful new back yard with your most trusted four-legged companion. For while you can feel good about finding the right plants and landscape features while providing your pet a great, safe, and fun environment, little compares to time spent with a best friend! Contact us for more information.